When I bought my Konica III, featured in a previous post, it was a snap decision. The camera appeared on Ffordes' website and I snapped it up. It was a good decision. In perfect condition, the Konica has very quickly become my favourite camera - a bit quirky, with the older shutter speed timings and a very odd filter size, but surprisingly modern in other ways. I love it. But,...,but...that problematic camera, the Leica M3, has always lurked in the back of my mind; buying the Konica was, I knew, a way of avoiding the fact that I really wanted an M3. Not REALLY WANTED, just really wanted...perhaps, one day... I suppose I could have gone after one on Ebay, or sought one out amongst the dealerships one finds on the internet. But I didn't - I hate all that bidding stuff anyway, and there's no guarantee it would be a good one. Then, last week, one appeared, again on Ffordes' website. It was 'just in' on the Thursday, graded Ex++ - Ffordes 'nearly mint' rating. I knew it would be 'just out' as well...snow off a dyke and all that. But come Friday morning, it was still there; no-one had appeared to have reserved it overnight. Maybe...
I called. " I guess it will have been reserved or bought already, but do you by any chance still have that M3 that's just come in?". "Let me look...yes, we do..." Oh Lord, suddenly I was in free-fall. Body, Elmar f2.8 lens, filter...it was 'mine' in minutes. The following day, the box was delivered. It sat for two days before I dared open it. Seriously, reader...two days!! What would I find? Monday and coffee. It had to be done. Inside all the padding and packaging lay, of course, a pristine M3 and an Elmar-M 50mm f2.8. On my own, I couldn't help grinning and laughing to myself, so excited and a little daunted - like finding a bit of Faberge in a car boot sale! I was holding an M3 - at last! The Konica III had a fellow '3' brother. Are my loyalties divided? Not a bit. But, lordy, I'm looking forward to using the M3 alongside the Konica! I emailed Ffordes to say how good it was. Steve Byford was right back: "Ones this good are rare - LOOK AFTER IT!" And I will, you bet.
The M3 is hyped and lauded the world over...with good reason. It may be just a camera - but what a camera! Iconic, standard-setting, as good today as it ever was, when most others have come and gone, still readily repairable, still working hard. Not even Leica have built better since.
Leica M3, Leica Elmar-M 50 mm f2.8, Leica UVa filter.
Brothers 3 in arms...